Player Name
Guardian Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Holiday Workshop: 2 days
Please read and agree to the following:
In the unlikely event of an accident I will accept the decision of the appointed officials in relation to any urgent or immediate treatment required.
I confirm that the Player is physically fit and able to take part in our holiday workshop and apart from any injury, medical condition and illness disclosed below, I am not aware of any physical injury, medical condition, illness or other similar impairment to the Player's ability to perform the required activities.
Does the Player have any medical conditions, allergies, medication requirements, or injuries that we need to be aware of?
I have read and understood the contents of this form and I warrant that all information provided by me is true and correct.


I confirm that I understand that while every due care and diligence will be extended to the Player during their participation in the Caravella Football Academy and while in the care of appointed coaches, there is a risk of physical injury.

As the parent and/or guardian of the Player I voluntarily accept the risk associated with the Player's participation in the academy.

I agree to release, defend, hold harmless and indemnify Caravella Football Academy and their employees and agents from and against any actions, claims, demands, expenses and liabilities howsoever arising from injury, loss or damage arising from my son/daughter's participation in the program.

Code of Conduct - Parent/Guardian

I understand that as a parent/guardian, I am obligated to behave in manner that is respecful at all times. This includes but is not limited to:

- Not sitting/walking on the field where your child is training unless called over by a coach in case of injury
- Allowing the allocated coach to deal with situations to the best of his/her ability, unless they request for your assistance
- Not speaking negatively to other children at the academy
- Speaking to staff in a manner that is non-threatening and fair at all times


I understand that as a parent/guardian, supervision commences at the start of the session when the child is on the field and concludes at the end of the session when the child is dismissed by the coach on duty. Please ensure your child is supervised at all other times as while there are people and staff around at The Grounds, there is no one designated to care for unsupervised children.


I understand that all staff and coaches abide by a code of conduct and will take all necessary steps to ensure duty of care takes place at all times in their dedicated time of supervision.

To ensure the safety of staff and members, Caravella Football Academy reserves the right to refuse service as deemed necessary.
Thank you for registering for one of our workshops! We trust you'll have a ball! (Pun intended)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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